A Decade in the Making - Framed Portrait of Elizabeth l
Our customer spent over a decade working on this painting - a copy of the Rainbow Portrait of Queen Elizabeth l. Originally painted in the 1600's it is widely known to be the most symbolically rich portrait of the Virgin Queen (rainbow in her hand, serpents on her sleeve, eyes and ears on her gown). When she finally completed the painting she brought it to us at the Village Frame Shop because she knew we could do justice to the work with our keen eye for design.
With our customer we, searched and sorted our moldings, and fillets for just the right one. We all agreed this is a spectacular combination. We chose an antiqued gold scroll work molding with a linen liner and a matching gold fillet. We all think this does her majesty justice. And we think it honors the work and talent of our client.
Bring in your next work of art and let's find the perfect picture frame for you too.